
Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

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Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

Olahraga yuk

Olahraga ternyata tak hanya membuat tubuh bugar dan sehat, tapi berolah tubuh diyakini bisa meningkatkan kemampuan otak untuk membangun sel-sel baru yang berkaitan dengan daya ingat.

Ujicoba yang dilakukan sekelompok peneliti Amerika memperlihatkan bahwa olahraga bisa menumbuhkan sel-sel baru pada dentate gyrus, bagian dari hippocampus yang berpengaruh pada penurunan daya ingat manusia yang umumnya dimulai pada usia sekitar 30-an.
Awalnya peneliti menggunakan scan MRI pada tikus. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) merupakan pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnet untuk menghasilkan gambar organ dalam tubuh manusia.

Setelah melakukan pada tikus, mereka menggunakan MRI untuk meneliti otak manusia sebelum dan setelah berolahraga. Mereka menemukan pola yang sama, yang menunjukkan bahwa manusia juga mengembangkan sel-sel otak baru saat mereka berolahraga.
"Tak ada penelitian sebelumnya yang secara sistematis mengkaji wilayah hippocampus sevara berbeda dan mengidentifikasi wilayah mana yang paling terpengaruh dengan olahraga," kata pemimpin studi Dr. Scott Small, ahli syaraf di Columbia University Medical Center di New York, seperti dilansir dari Reuters, beberapa waktu lalu.

Sementara itu Fred Gage, ahli otak dari Salk Institute di La Jolla, California, telah memperlihatkan bahwa olahraga bisa mengakibatkan pengembangan sel baru otak pada tikus sama dengan dentate gyrus. Tim yang menulis hasil penelitian mereka pada Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences saling bekerjasama menemukan cara mengukur pengukuran MRI ini, dengan melacak volume darah pada otak.

"Segera setelah temuan ini dipastikan pada tikus, kami tertarik untuk memastikan bagaimana olahraga berdampak pada peta volume darah (hippocampus) pada manusia," tambah Gage. Mereka tentu saja tak dapat membedah otak manusia untuk melihat apakah syaraf baru tumbuh, tapi mereka memilih menggunakan MRI untuk melihatnya.

Dalam penelitian ini, mereka merekrut 11 orang dewasa yang sehat dan meminta mereka melakukan olahraga seperti aerobik selama tiga bulan secara rutin, yang dibarengi dengan melakukan MRI pada otak mereka sebelum dan setelah olahraga. Mereka juga mengukur kebugaran responden dengan mengukur volume oksigen sebelum dan setelah berolahraga.

"Olahraga melancarkan aliran darah ke dentate gyrus pada manusia dan makin sehat seseorang, makin banyak aliran darah yang terdeteksi MRI," jelas para peneliti. "Kesamaan luar biasa antara perubahan volume darah otak yang dihasilkan oleh olahraga dalam pembentukan hippocampus pada tikus dan manusia menunjukkan bahwa dampak tersebut memiliki mekanisme serupa," tambah Gage dkk, yang meneliti manfaat olahraga untuk meningkatkan daya ingat dan meminimalkan kehilangan daya ingat normal.

Lebaran Yuk lebaran

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Rabu, 08 Agustus 2007

Dispelling Fears About The GoogleBomb Algorithm Update

Google algorithm updates always bring the fears of webmasters to a boiling point. In the aftermath of an algorithm update, some people come out swinging, making claims that Google is trying to put them out of business. Others look at their Google rankings and pat themselves on the back for having survived another "algo" update.

It has been known in search engine optimization (SEO) circles for quite some time that one could successfully implement what is referred to as a GoogleBomb. The best example was a search on the phrase "miserable failure". A search on those words within Google would show George W. Bush's biography at the White House website, in the top three or four results of the search results. This would occur, despite the fact that neither word in the search criteria resides on the White House website. At one time, Bush's biography had been in the #1 spot, but counter-bombing campaigns moved Bush's listing down the page a bit.

Many people have written about this phenomenon in time's past. I have even written about it myself. When I wrote about it, my point was to show the importance of anchor text in a link to build the value of a web page in the Google search engine result pages (SERPS).

The "miserable failure" GoogleBomb came to exist within a loophole within the Google algorithms. Google puts a lot of value on the anchor text that point to a particular web page. It is part of their "one link – one vote" philosophy as to the value of a web page.

Bloggers joined forces to create thousands of links pointing to the White House website with the words "miserable failure" in the anchor text. The shenanigans of the George W. Bush bashers were eventually countered by their fellow bloggers on the other side of the political aisle. Eventually, the search phrase "miserable failure" would also bring up the Michael Moore and Jimmy Carter websites in the top few results for that search phrase.

The average person who did not understand the nature of the SEO game would occasionally stumble across these esoteric search phrases and get him or herself into a huff, because they thought that Google was stating their own political views. Of course, Google really does not have an opinion, at least not one that would ever appear in their search results.

The GB Update...

In this case, the GB Update is not so-named because "George Bush" disappeared from the "miserable failure" search results. Instead, it is so-named because it is the "GoogleBomb" update, which Google implemented in January of 2007.

Once the update was implemented, the "miserable failure" search began to only return pages that talked about GoogleBombs from a technical standpoint.

With the GB update officially rolled out ( about-googlebombs.html), people began the standard Google-update panic process.

Hundreds of posts began appearing on forums concerning the GB updates and the fear that link-building efforts undertaken by search engine marketing (SEM) companies and webmasters would be hurt as well.

So, I did a bit of research. I have run several linking campaigns on my own behalf, and on the behalf of clients. Those campaigns were put together with a mix of keyword phrases nestled in the anchor text of links to our websites. I checked the status of all of the websites I represent, and without fail, our linking campaigns had not been hurt by the GB update.

Interesting Changes From The GoogleBomb Update

According to Matt Cutts of Google, the changes in the GB update were all completed within the Google algorithm. Cutts has always said that Google does not like to manually rearrange the search engine results, so an algorithmic solution to the GoogleBomb was in order. A few of the Google engineers worked together to find a solution to the GoogleBomb issue.

In an attempt to understand what had changed, I looked at a few of the more notorious GoogleBombs of past and discovered some interesting facts.

Broken Google Bombs:

* "Miserable failure" no longer returns George W. Bush, Michael Moore, or Jimmy Carter websites. * "Worst president ever" now only returns pages that make the claim the GW Bush has earned that title. * "Waffles" no longer returns results that point to the John Kerry website. * Tony Blair's homepage no longer comes up under the search term "liar".

Unchanged Google Bombs:

* A search for "Scientology" still has the "Operation Clambake" listing in the #2 spot (2007-01-31). Operation Clambake is a website that is critical of Scientology. * "Click here" still points to the Adobe website (although this was not actually a GoogleBomb). * "French military victories" still goes to the same page on Albino Black Sheep when you hit "I feel lucky" on Google's search page. (I still get a kick out of this one.) * The "great president" GoogleBomb survived. It still points to Bush's bio on the White House website.

The Question On Everyone's Mind

Everyone seems to be asking the same question. How does Google defuse Google Bombs?

Well, Google isn't saying, so we are left to figure it out on our own. Based on what I was able to uncover in my study of Google Bombs, I came up with a theory.

What I have been able to take from the results shown above is that Google may have targeted only "negative links". If you want to review what is shown above, all of the Google Bombs that are now gone had negative connotations to them. All of the Google Bombs that survived can be construed as having positive, or at least non-negative, connotations to them.

If my assertion is correct, then average, ordinary webmasters will have nothing to fear from the Google Bomb update. My sites and my client's websites also reflect that the Google Bomb update did not have any affect on us.

Maybe I am just grasping at straws, but I don't think so. You be the judge... "Worst president" is gone, and "great president" survived. To me, that says a lot.

The Google Bombing Legacy Continues...

Following my logic, Google Bombing is still a possibility for those who Google Bomb with a positive set of anchor text keywords. So, some Google Bombs will continue to live well into the future.

In 2004, Search Engine Watch suggested that Google Bombs are better defined as Link Bombs, since they can affect all of the major search engines, including Yahoo and MSN.

Google has finally addressed link bombing in a positive way, but Yahoo and MSN are still prone to link bombing attacks. For example, as of this writing, MSN still has George in the top spot for "miserable failure" in the MSN Live results

Brand Yourself And Success Will Come!

The internet is growing daily with folk who are looking for ways to earn a comfortable living from their home base. However, the sad truth is many online business owners never make a profit online! Sadly, even in today's online market, many business owners have no idea how to effectively market their internet business. In addition, they don't understand the importance of "branding" their name to build a quality online presence and reputation.

To welcome online success, "branding you" should be the number one online business owners' priority. When beginning an online Internet career, it is detrimental to online longevity that the online promoter cultivate a squeaky clean image.

Many online business owners tarnish their name, by promoting worthless downloadable software and eBooks. It is a good idea to test-drive any eBook or software package before you decide to promote the product as an affiliate marketer. It's not an intelligent idea to promote worthless products to your opt-in list, so be careful what you endorse online.

Another way you can ruin your branded name and good reputation is opportunity jumping or program hopping. To highlight this point, I will talk about only five popular online business programs that are heavily promoted online. The programs are Perfect Wealth Formula, edc Gold, Passport to Wealth, Wealth Magnet System and Roadmap to Riches.

Lets go back a few months to when Passport to Wealth launched in February 2007. Since February I have seen the same top earners, jump from (1) edc Gold to (2) Passport to Wealth to (3) Perfect Wealth Formula to (4) Wealth Magnet System and now to (5) Roadmap to Riches. What a great way to earn instant cash daily! Now. I am not saying, that all these business opportunity promoters are all tarred with the same brush, but in amongst this group of business promoters are a few bad eggs, that like nothing more than to take your hard earned money and thereafter never return your emails or phone calls.

The good news is it doesn't take long before the online internet community, catches onto these dirty quick cash generating tricks and unlike the offline business world, this type of underhanded home business owner can't move to another state or country, and start all over again!

To profit quickly on the net, firstly brand and protect your name. Next make sure you do your research and only promote quality products. To explode your success online, in your first year, it is a good idea to find yourself a personal eCoach to educate yourself in online advertising and marketing methods.

To conclude, every new internet business promoter should understand that online marketing success doesn't happen overnight; sometimes it can take 2-3 years to build a successful online presence. I believe, perseverance is the key to success, with any Internet business and online marketing endeavour.

Less Stress Leads To A Better Rest

In the modern world of today we are constantly being bombarded with high levels of stress and anxiety. These stresses can be physical, mental or environmental. They place an enormous strain on our physical and mental health.

Most of us are aware that excessive stress can affect our ability to think straight, our digestive system, adrenal glands and heart. Research has however shown that whenever a stressful situation arises, there is a knock on effect. Firstly stress limits the blood supply going to the stomach, this hampers the digestive system and a temporary shut down of our immune system may follow. If we are overwhelmed with stress for an extended period we are likely to experience fatigue and exhaustion.

Although it may not be possible to avoid these stress factors in our lives there is help available. There are many natural herbal supplements, known for they’re relaxing properties which assist in combating the harmful effects of anxiety and stress. Several herbs are usually incorporated together to make a powerful formula.

We will take a look at some of the individual herbs, which go to make up some of these potent anti- anxiety supplements: -

* Jujube Seeds: - hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect used for hysteria, fatigue, sleeplessness, debility and restlessness.

* Magnolia Bark: - has anti anxiety, anti stress properties, lowers the cortisol, promotes relaxation and improves the mood.

* Potassium: -sustains the fluid and electrolyte balance, discharges energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat, assists in conveying nerve impulses.

* Magnesium: -is a trace mineral and its chief role is manufacturing and transporting energy, relaxing and contracting the muscles, assisting some enzymes with their task in the body and mixing proteins.

* Valerian Root: - It supports a feeling of calmness, improves sleep, reduces anxiety levels and facilitates relaxation of the central nervous system. Valerian root is non addictive and does not cause morning tiredness. It also is useful in slowing the heart in those who have the condition known as tachycardia.

* Melatonin: -is one of the most dominant antioxidants in the brain. It restores metabolism, improves the quality of sleep and slows down degenerative diseases of the brain such as Parkinson’s. Melatonin can control extreme cortical production and is therefore effectual in reducing stress levels and regulating sleep cycles.

* Vitamin B complex contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5,

B6 and B12 are all essential vitamins for the nervous system
